Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
On the go? Check out our Mobile Add-ons site. Close . See the star ratings of videos in Youtube's search result list without opening the video page.
On the go? Check out our Mobile Add-ons site. Close . Show YouTube Star Ratings 1.2 by DynamicGeneration. Shows star ratings and .
I have only just started showing videos on youtube (within the last 3 days) and am still getting star ratings. ? . ugh f*cking utube, I go on it so much less now .
you made my day go bad, youtube! i have been here since 2006 and now. where the heck is my star ratings!!!! aghhgg!! this is worser than the 2.0 beta channels!!!!
Where did the stars GO?!!! . it is a 1 star video or a 5 star video that just didn't get as many ratings . I wish YouTube would bring the ratings back. . Re: Where .
ENERGY STAR is a government-backed program helping businesses and youtube star rating go individuals . YouTube
Part of the series: How To Make a Video for YouTube. How to make a . viewed today, but at 70,000--but it only has a 2 and a half star rating. So you may not want to go .
Watched Go, Go, Go yet? Come inside, we'll try to . Explain Yourself: Yasha Swag, Impossibly Bad YouTube youtube star rating go Pop Star . Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)
. 39;t really work that well (e.g. only the 1 and 5 star ratings . You can choose to rate up to 5 stars when you go to the video. Y: Re: NO MORE RATINGS ON YOUTUBE VIDEOS??
in this tut i am goin to show you how to make a php and ajax star rating system. it is a very advanced rating system but it is also very simple to use! i .
It represents the way in which people rate videos on YouTube. As you can . And really, the same seems to be true of basically all 1 to 5 star crowd rating .
When you first went on Youtube for the very first time, you had to go around the site and try .
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